пятница, 29 февраля 2008 г.

Parliament - cigarettes or vodka?

There is no secret that Russia Parliament cigarettes are leading the market in fact more and more so-called "new Russians" - (relating to the notion of millionaires) prefer precisely those products. Vnedrivshis in the Russian market since the beginning of 2004 and capturing niche elite cigarettes on demand and the proposal VIP consumer-oriented data cigarettes in Russia simply do not have competition. The company "Philip Moris" founder of the brand could not even suggest that in such a short period of a number of such consumers. Positioning at such a high level occurred due to the company's involvement in various activities SoundScan, which rested largely people over secured. In this way, the result is not forced to wait for the record, this has become the leading brand among the VIP people.

But using the popularity of the brand Russian manufacturers began to produce vodka under the same name "PARLIAMENT" What is not widely known that vodka "Parliament and Parliament cigarettes - are products of two different companies. I thus vodka beginning to enjoy it is very popular among consumers and VIP provided a great start. Philip Moris "The company does not become hinder advancement of the product in front of shares held by the joint become more attractive than for the glamour of Russia. In addition to this day segodnyashnii vodka begins to move to other countries in Europe and not the fact that not only the Russian pozaimstvuyut from the American culture but the Americans will soon become a Russian drink product under the American brand. Only time will tell!

четверг, 28 февраля 2008 г.

Philip Moris and Grand PRIX cigarettes PARLIAMENT

Cigarettes "PARLIAMENT" is the symbol of the quality of elegance, luxury and a symbol of Rights. Manufacturer of cigarette company is Philip Morris. The history of the world-renowned company in our time began from the moment when Philip Morris opened his shop only on sales of tobacco and cigarettes in 1847 in London on Bond Street.

After the death of Mr. Morris business inherited by his wife Margaret and brother Leopold. In 1881 the company became known. Leopold Joseph Morris, together with Gryunbaumom established company Philip Morris & Company and Grunebaum, Ltd. In 1885, these partnerships have been discontinued, and the company was renamed the Philip Morris & Co., Ltd.

The company went out of control establishing her family in 1894, when it came into the possession of William Curtis Thomson and his family. When Thomson won the honour company to supply tobacco to the Royal House of Edward VII, and in 1902 it was registered as Gustavo Ekmeyerom Corporation in New York. The company half owned by the founders of English, half-American partners. Starting in 1872 with Ekmeyer imported and sold cigarettes produced in England, as the sole representative of Philip Morris USA.

In 1919 as a watershed for the company. It was marked by the fact that Philip Morris emblem with a crown, Philip Morris Company in the United States acquired the company, owned by American shareholders, and the new corporation was registered in Virginia called Philip Morris & Co., Ltd., Inc. By the end of the next decade, the company began to manufacture cigarettes at its factory in Richmond, Virginia, and in 1924 a mark of Marlboro cigarettes, then became one of the best-known brands company.

By mid-50 - ies company, became part of the American culture, and soon thereafter was established company Philip Morris International, designed for the production and marketing worldwide. In the same year of a brand "PARLIAMENT" which had as a target audience elite, the perception of which is very well established in the Russian market since 1996.In the list of cigarettes at the world level not less than 50 nor the name, and so less "swept" PARLIAMENT more than 7%.